CoFUTURES is an international group working on Global Futures with its sphere of activities scattered across various communities, research groups and networks around the world. We are active in different sectors including academic research, technology research, policy, and the arts. We also provide support for transmedial artistic work including fiction, films, and games.
CoFutures activities are or have been funded by various grants from various bodies, including  the European Research Council, the European Commission, Norwegian Research Council, Sparebankstiftelsen DNB, and the Oslo Commune. CoFutures has institutional partners in 6 countries.
The word CoFutures is used without a hyphen.

CoFutures Framework Articles

Manifestos of Futurisms (2021)

Foundation: International Review of Science Fiction

Utopianism After Utopia (2023)

Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts

Speculative Futures of Global South Infrastructures (2022)

Urban Infrastructuring: Reconfigurations, Transformations and Sustainability in the Global South

Articles, Books and more CoFutures



Futures and Futurisms webinars


The CoFUTURES Conferences


Speculative Futures and Futurisms workshops

Supported Events

External events we have provided / provide support for