The CoFUTURES Prizes
Three prizes for works in speculative fields awarding excellent work by new, emerging, and established creators and scholars.
The submissions deadline for all categories is 1st November 2022.
The CoFUTURES Prizes are instituted to honor the memory of:
Kalyan Kumar Chattopadhyay
Suhasini Chattopadhyay
Srimohan Bhattacharya
Sarajubala Bhattacharya

The Creation Prize
Awarded to a work of speculative fiction in any media

The Vision Prize
Awarded to non-fiction works and studies of speculative fiction in any media

The Inception Prize
Awarded to doctoral dissertations in futurisms, futures, and speculative media
About CoFUTURES Prizes
The awards are given to works that:
(1) affirm and embody the guiding principles of CoFutures: Complexity, Coevalness, Compossibility
(2) foster the ideals of justice (for instance, socio-economic, gender, climate, indigenous, racial, and/or multispecies justice), peace, inclusivity, and kindness
(3) show commitment to a vision of better planetary futures
Note: The Prizes are offered by CoFUTURES and are not affiliated with University of Oslo or any other organization.
Common Rules
- The prizes are awarded to works in the speculative field in any media.
- Speculative refers to future fiction, science fiction, speculative philosophy, design fiction, fantasy, and horror.
- Media can include fiction, texts, sounds, video games, films, animations, art works, interactive materials, etc.
- The award value of each prize is USD500.
- Prize winners are not restricted by geographical location, gender, age, or ethnicity.
- There can only be one winning entry per category.
- One must submit only one entry per author in any category. Multiple submissions by a single sender will count for rejection of *all* submissions.
- The entry must be in English, Bangla, or Norwegian. Work in other languages must be submitted along with an English translation.
- The prizes are not open to anyone affiliated with CoFUTURES directly in any capacity.
- Works awarded a prize must, in full or partial capacity, be made available open-access on the CoFUTURES website and/or any special domains affiliated with CoFUTURES for the prize.
- Winning a prize in one category does not disqualify the winner from winning in other categories as well.
- Agents and publishers are welcome to send contributions, but emphasis might be placed on individual submissions.
Prize specific Rules
The Creation Prize
- The Creation Prize is awarded to a creator for an unpublished, original, creative work of speculative fiction in any media.
- The Creation Prize is open to all creators.
- Creators include authors, poets, and artists in any medium.
- There are strict length limits associated with the Creation Prize.
- For textual works, the length of the work must not be longer than 45,000 words.
- For video or sound works, the length of the work must not exceed 210 minutes.
- Short fiction anthologies may be considered for the prize, if the anthology as a whole is not more than 100,000 words.
- Video games may be submitted for consideration, if they are developed by indie studios with maximum two employees.
The Vision Prize
- The Vision Prize is awarded to a creator for non-fiction work or study of speculative fiction, in any media.
- The prize is open to published and unpublished works.
- The prize is open to all creators.
- For book length works, the length of the work must not exceed 75,000 words.
- Essays should be a maximum length of 12.000 words.
- For video works, the length of the work must not exceed 210 minutes.
The Inception Prize
- Awarded to a scholar with a complete but unpublished PhD / DPhil / doctoral dissertation within the speculative field.
- Dissertations can be in the fields of science fiction, future fiction, fantasy, and horror.
- The dissertation must have been submitted within the last seven years.
- Dissertation in fields such as architecture and design are also welcome, provided they have a strong speculative element.
- The dissertation can be on any media.
- The dissertation must have already been submitted and approved.
- Must be unpublished and not under consideration by any press for publication.
- Winners can, optionally, request to be considered for publication in the book series Studies in Global Genre Fiction (Routledge).
Additional Terms and Conditions
- All winning materials must acknowledge the prize in subsequent use of the same material in any context (print, online, exhibition, etc).
- All winners must agree to an open, online or offline lecture related to their prize winning work. The lecture event will be organized by CoFUTURES.
- All works will be evaluated by an independent jury together with CoFUTURES.
- CoFUTURES reserves the right to not offer the prize should none of the submissions prove suitable or worthy.
- CoFUTURES reserves the right to award works that have not been submitted, provided they meet the principle criteria for the prizes.
- The sponsorship for these prizes is anonymous and private.
- We are not interested in new sponsorships for 2022-30.
Submissions of materials along with a cv and a cover letter indicating submission category as well as creative and/or scholarly aims must be sent to Questions and queries may be sent to prize administrator Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay directly.
The submissions deadline for all categories is 1st November 2022.