CoFUTURES and its related activities are supported by numerous grants and other support. Some of our recent grants have come from the European Research Council and the Norwegian Research Council. This page acknowledges all our direct sources of funding that have gone into direct CoFUTURES activities or contributed to it in the recent past (2018- ), in descending order of year of grant. We wish to thank all grant giving organizations for their support.

We have also provided support to other institutions and individuals via grants and fellowships, as well as helped with fundraising for CoFUTURES related activities. Please contact  us to learn more.


European Research Council (ERC) Proof of Concept

The project “CoFutures Literacy” is supported by a European Research Council Proof of Concept grant to Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay as PI. 


Norwegian Research Council (NFR) FORSTERK

The Norwegian Research Council has provided support for the exhibition “Beyond Barcode: Experiements in Radical Futures.” with Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay as PI. The exhibition is designed and curated by Bergsveinn Þórsson, and hosted by the Intercultural Museum, Oslo.


Norwegian Research Council (NFR) Fellesløft IV

The Norwegian Research Council has provided support for the project “Anthropogenic Soils” with Ursula Munster as PI. The project supports one postdoc with CoFUTURES for the work package on Indigenous Futurisms, led by Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay as WP leader.


Sparebankstiftelsen DNB

Sparebankstiftelsen DNB has provided support for the exhibition “Beyond Barcode: Experiements in Radical Futures.” The exhibition is designed and curated by Bergsveinn Þórsson, and hosted by the Intercultural Museum, Oslo. 


Spencer Foundation and Center for Science and the Imagination, Arizona State University

Center for Science and the Imagination, via a grant from the Spencer Foundation, provided development funds for the Imagination and Futurisms lectures, co-produced by Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay and Joey Eschrich. 


European Commission Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions H2020

MSCA funding provides support for the neoMONSTERS project, and has been granted to Sami Ahmad Khan as PI. The project is based at the Department of culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo.


European Research Council H2020 StG

CoFutures: Pathways to Possible Presents is supported by the ERC Starting Grant (No. 852190) granted to Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay as PI. The project home is the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo. The projects with different global futurisms and the Holodeck infrastructure are supported by the ERC grant.


Norwegian Research Council (NFR) FRIPRO-YRT

Science Fictionality is supported by the NFR Young Research Talent Grant (No. 300931), granted to Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay as PI. It is also based at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo. The project on Nordic Futurisms is supported by the NFR grant.


Institute for Research within Contemporary Art

Artistic Research Grants awarded to The Kalpana with Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay as lead for the Speculation:Desert art project.


India Foundation for the Arts

Artistic Research Grants awarded to Desert Lab project with Goutam Ghosh as lead and Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay as principal researcher.


University of Oslo, Free Research Grant for top ranked research

The free research funds were awarded to Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay for top ranking research projects. The grants helped in the translation of two books (from Chinese and Polish) and provided seed funding for the development of Kalpavigyan: A Speculative Journey.